
ATI Specialty Materials

Powder Metals

Leading-edge powder metal technology for demanding applications

Wherever there’s a need for the highest possible lifecycle performance in conditions of extreme heat, wear and corrosion, powder metal (PM) technology can be a cost-saving design option. And with the advent of additive manufacturing, PM technology unlocks step-change improvements in weight, integration, buy-to-fly-ratio and design in aerospace, biomedical and other applications. For the best possible source of integrated powder metal engineering, prototyping and production, count on ATI.

With roots dating back to the 1940s, we have continuously driven innovation in powder metallurgy, including refinement in atomization techniques, new alloy development, and pioneering of innovative manufacturing processes such as near-net-shape production and PM for additive manufacturing. Today, we are the industry's only completely integrated manufacturer of hot isostatic pressed (HIP) PM parts, with capabilities that range from atomization through HIP. A charter member of America Makes, we are on the leading edge of PM production for additive manufacturing, with full capabilities for characterization, application development and qualification for aerospace, medical and other markets. With four decades of experience, hundreds of patents, and leading-edge processes such as Titanium Gas Atomization, we work with you to extend performance horizons and move new ideas into production faster.


  • Aerospace
  • Defense
  • Electrical Energy
  • Oil & Gas
  • Medical
  • Industrial Equipment & Tooling
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Metal Injection Molding
  • Thermal Spray


Vacuum Induction Melt, Inert Gas Atomizers

  • Ni, Co, Fe, Cu, Cr and other specialized alloys
    • Laboratory atomizer for alloy development and small batch production
    • Intermediate atomizer for production scale-up and low rate production
    • Large atomizers capable of high volume production
  • Ti Alloys
    • Refractory free skull melting
    • From small batches to large volume production


  • Standard screening from 1180µm (16 mesh) to 45µm (325 mesh)
  • Finer powder sizes attained by screening or air classification

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)

  • 7.5" Diameter by 13" high, 2375°F maximum temperature, 28 ksi maximum pressure
  • 39" Diameter by 110" high, 2250°F maximum temperature, 15 ksi maximum pressure
  • 43" Diameter by 110" high, 2250°F maximum temperature, 15 ksi maximum pressure
  • 51" Diameter by 115" high, 2250°F maximum temperature, 15 ksi maximum pressure


Nickel-based superalloys

  • ATI Rene 95 PM™ nickel
  • ATI Low-Carbon Astroloy PM nickel
  • ATI 720 PM™ nickel
  • ATI A625 PM™ nickel
  • ATI N625 PM™ nickel
  • ATI 625M PM™ nickel
  • Gas turbine manufacturer proprietary grades
  • Nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloys

Titanium alloys

  • ATI CP PM™
  • ATI 6-4 PM™
  • Titanium alloy with boron additions
  • Titanium aluminides

Other alloys

  • Duplex and super-duplex stainless steels
  • Iron- and cobalt-based wear coatings
  • Cobalt-based materials for sputtering targets
  • Tool steels

ATI Powder Metals offers a wide range of products and services, with many geared towards exacting and very demanding performance environments. In addition to the standard material offerings detailed below, alloys and products can be custom-engineered to meet the specific needs of the particular application. In addition to PM materials, ATI Powder Metals offers toll-HIP services for the healing of castings, and product development assistance utilizing the pilot scale equipment at the research facility. In addition to a variety of atomizer sizes, subscale rolling mills, heat treat furnaces, and a forging press are employed to produce development-sized batches of test materials prior to scaling up to production. Please contact us to discuss potential solutions to the challenges at hand.

Nickel Alloys

  • ATI 718TM
  • ATI 718Plus®
  • ATI A625 PMTM
  • ATI 247LCTM
  • ATI 230TM
  • ATI 738TM
  • ATI® Astroloy PM
  • ATI Rene 95TM
  • ATI 720 PM TM
  • Others upon request

Cobalt Alloys

  • ATI CoCrMoTM
  • ATI CoCrTM
  • ATI 188TM
  • Others upon request

Iron Alloys

  • ATI 17-4TM
  • ATI 15-5TM
  • ATI 316TM
  • Duplex Stainless SteelsTM
  • Super Duplex Stainless SteelsTM
  • Others upon request

Copper Alloys

  • ATI GRCop-84TM
  • ATI GRCop-42TM
  • ATI C18150TM
  • ATI C18200TM
  • Others upon request

Titanium Alloys

  • ATI 6-4TM
  • ATI 6-4ELITM
  • CP TitaniumTM
  • Titanium Aluminides
  • Titanium alloy with Boron additions
  • Others upon request

Other Alloys

  • ATI C103TM ​(Niobium Alloy)
  • Niobium Alloys
  • Zirconium Alloys

A Full Range of Capabilities Supporting Alloy Development through Production

When faced with a need for new material solutions, ATI Powder Metals is the ideal partner for developing a new or improved powder metal product and scaling up to production. ATI Powder Metals is the industry's only fully-integrated manufacturer of nickel-base superalloys, performi​ng on-site atomization through hot isostatic pressing (HIP). Through a full range of atomizers, alloys can be produced in heat sizes ranging from one pound up to 8,000 lb. in the world's largest vacuum induction melt (VIM) inert gas atomizer designed and built by ATI Powder Metals. Regardless of scale, the process maintains powder cleanliness from start to finish to assure optimal quality.


A full range of atomizers assure a heat size that matches your production and metallurgy needs.

Vacuum Induction Melt, Inert Gas Atomizers

  • Ni, Co, Fe, Cu, Cr and other specialized alloys
    • Laboratory atomizer for alloy development and small batch production
    • Intermediate atomizer for production scale-up and low rate production
    • Large atomizers capable of high volume production
  • Ti alloys
    • Refractory free skull melting
    • From small batches to large volume production


Screening is performed to classify powder to a desired size range, down to a maximum particle size of 45 microns (-325 mesh). For applications requiring finer powder, other separation methods can be employed. ATI Powder Metals employs multiple screening systems in order to process several alloys simultaneously.

  • Standard screening from 1180µm (16 mesh) to 45µm (325 mesh)
  • Finer powder sizes attained by screening or air classification

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)

Laboratory size and full-scale HIP vessels are in service to support development through production.

  • Laboratory size vessel
    • Working zone of 7.5" dia x 13" high
    • Up to 2375° F & 28,000 psi
    • Full-scale vessel
      • Working zones of 43" dia x 110" high or 51" dia x 115" high
      • Up to 2250° F & 15,000 psi

The Process

ATI Powder Metals' process utilized to produce HIP-consolidated PM material consists of the following 6 basic process steps, as detailed below.


The process begins with the production of powder, utilizing vacuum inducting melting (VIM) coupled with inert gas atomization (IGA). Identical to conventional ingot metallurgy, the desired composition is achieved in the melt furnace, and after refining, rather than pouring the molten ​metal into molds or ing​ots, the material is diverted through a nozzle and the resulting stream is impinged by high velocity inert gas. This event results in rapid solidication of the metal, eliminating segregation during cooling, and the powder particles are collected for subsequent processing. Each individual powder particle shares a common chemistry, and can be thought of as a "micro-ingot".


Following atomization, which yields a wide size range of powder particles, powder is screened to a desired particle size distribution based on the particular application. Screening is done in a clean room environment under a positive pressure of filtered air. Further powder classification can be accomplished by air classification, used to separate the very fine powder particels (<20µm).


Following screening, the yield of multiple heats are blended together under vacuum to improve homogeneity of composition and the particle size distribution. The latter is of paramount concern in the production of near-net-shape products due to the influence on packing density of the powder and therefore the extent of distortion realized during consolidation.


Mild steel or stainless steel containers, custom-engineered based on desired finish dimensions and TIG-welded for optimum integrity, are filled with powder under vacuum or in other controlled environments. The containers are vibrated during loading to maximize packing density.


Loaded containers are connected to vacuum pumps and heat is applied. This computer-controlled process removes residual gases and moisture from the compacts, preventing the formation of deleterious oxides etc. during consolidation. Upon completion of this process, the containers are sealed and transferred for HIP.

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)

The outgassed and hermetically sealed containers are loaded into the autoclave with other available parts that share common processing parameters, then high temperature and pressure are simultaneously applied for a predetermined period of time to ensure full consolidation. HIP consolidation yields material exhibiting full theoretical density.​​​​​​​​​​​​


ATI Powder Metals, having serviced critical applications in a variety of industries for decades, has extensive experience meeting the associated and often ​stringent quality requirements. Current certifications can be accessed on the ATI Specialty Materials Page.


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Following a systematic engineering approach, ATI’s full-service Failure Analysis provides a thorough laboratory analysis, detailed explanation of the failure cause, practical advice and guidance for failure prevention, and expert-witness testimony if necessary. Learn more